041. A Willingness to Dig into Discomfort & end Binge Eating


Hey Mama,

Losing weight can feel difficult, nearly impossible.

Make a little bit of progress, then have that weekend away, and immediately feel like you’ve blown all of your progress.

🔑 Let me share a story with you... 

A couple of weeks ago we were invited to go on a river floating trip with some friends - we did it sans kids, and it was so.much.fun. 🥳

What also accompanied the river floating trip? Booze and all the good snacks. 🥤

I drank more than I normally do.

I ate more snacks than I normally do.

And, guess what, when Monday came, the scale was up. #️⃣

But, I’m simply not willing to just quit or throw the towel in. I’m simply not willing to just give up and call the rest of the week a sham, and go off the rails. 

Nope. Literally, I woke up the next day…

🥚 I made a breakfast quesadilla (if you haven’t tried this you must)! It’s super simple: 2 scrambled eggs, a piece of cheese toasted on a tortilla + a smoothie with berries, protein powder, and a little milk. 

🥗 For lunch I had chicken salad on a bed of spinach.

🥙 For dinner we were invited out to a lake for the afternoon - where again there was “lake food” and not our typical food we stick to day to day. I had some and moved on.

And so, I’m writing to you because this week’s episode #041 is all about having a willingness to try again.

✍️  It’s about having a willingness to sometimes ride the wave of discomfort of skipping something because you have bigger goals in mind.
✍️ It’s about a willingness to try a mindfulness technique around the foods that are just a bit more indulgent.
✍️ It’s about a willingness to get right back to knowing what makes you feel good, even if it means you had a more indulgent weekend. 




042. Q & A on Strength Training & Fat Loss with Melissa Vogel


040. Should you say goodbye to sugar?