024. Stop Sabotaging Yourself When it Comes to Food


Good morning!

I feel like I hear these types of  questions over and over and over again:

“How do I stop emotionally eating?”

“How do I not sabotage myself when it comes to food?”

“How do I stop eating sugar?”

And, no matter how you phrase the question - y’all are asking me the same thing, you just might not know it. 

And, what you also might not know is that these behaviors have become habits, and your brain rewards you when you choose them (at first, at least).

The only way out of them is to create new habits - and, learn some distress tolerance around uncomfortable emotions?

Wait, what?

If you find you routinely are “binge eating,” “emotionally eating,” etc., there is a reason. And, when you perform these behaviors they are actually a disconnection from yourself. We have to get back to ourselves, back to our hearts. 

You are trying as hard as you can to not feel the uncomfortable emotion. That’s why food feels good. It temporarily numbs. It temporarily releases the “feel good” neurotransmitters and it is a constant feedback loop. 

Until you wake up to it, you are stuck in the mud, or so it feels.

But, I have good news. On today’s podcast episode, I am talking about a mindfulness tool you can use right now to break out of the habit loop, connect to yourself, and develop new habits.



025. A Smoothie That Keeps you Satisfied and Full


023. How To Manage Motherhood And Owning A Business With Lindsey Raikes